Friday, January 2, 2009

Slip through the envelope of time leaving no footprint behind

i am ready to work with all people and organizations involved in working for a renewable world...

i oppose cap and trade as it promotes making money from the ill we have wrought. It will never save the earth from our counter intuitive behavior.

Carbon taxation does not solve the co2 crisis...It will be costly to administer, and susceptible to manipulation...Shut in extracted fossil/mineral resource employing upstream measures on coal, oil, natural gas, and nuclear...all the benefits of a tax...only one set of whiners to deal with!!!

Demand local and national energy policy focus on conservation and efficiency; think and experience...Negawatts...this approach costs little to nothing-to start- just the will to do, forcing the issue of ignoring our wasteful lifestyles.

Rapidly roll out distributed renewable platforms where ever they are embraced using green municipal tax free bonds...the real proof of the public “buy-in”...Kick start the industries with tax credits, grants where necessary, and/or with the full faith and credit of the USA backing the states most in need....until humanity has learned restraint, and the bio-sphere is restored.

The Earth, our only living ancestor, asks no less of us.

The added bonus/promise of renewable energy is the realization of peace with justice and equity. It is the way on to a true public utility. Decentralized, publicly financed, world wide access, the nearly perpetual stable nature of the pricing model will soon sink into the psyche of the worlds people...

The cost analysis of the pricing model with the nature of the service industry taken into account, aided by the utility of time, will prove negligible...

Just think; none of the horrendous negative externalities, terror targets, teratogenic threats, nor national socialist [origin of fascism] oligarchs willing to trade blood for energy, while proclaiming patriotism as they bank their greed.

The Oligarch has known these renewable energy facts all along but they need the fear, scarcity, and confused world without end they have grown accustomed to selling you...

Not the world of abundance, hope, charity, and peace with justice the rest of us want.... Oh. and at a just and affordable price fixed by world standards....

We stand at the cross road will we join the sane and attempt an end to the global climate crisis earning respect and love to the hoped for 7th. generation?

Posted by jack bradin on 12/28/2008 @ 09:13PM PST @